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Showing posts from January, 2024

What is Poetry?

Poetry is a form of artistic expression using rhythmic and imaginative language to convey emotions, ideas, or stories in a condensed and often metaphorical way.

Types of Poetry

Conventional - a classical poem that follow rules, such as number of lines, rhythm, rhyme, and meter. 

Types of Poetry

 Free Verse - a poem that does not follow any rules. 

Elements of Poetry

Form - the way a poem looks or its arrangement on the page.

Elements of Poetry

Imagery - writers use imagery to build a specific sensory experience for readers to imagine and relate to. The types of imagery include visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, and kinesthetic.  

Elements of Poetry

Sound - is a special tool the poet can use to create effects in the poem to convey and reinforce meaning through sound. The four most common sound devices are repetition, rhyme, alliteration, and assonance. 

Elements of Poetry

Figurative Language - is to elicit emotion, help readers form mental images and draw readers into the work. These are the simile, metaphor, personification, and more. 

How to write a Poem?

First, start with inspiration. Look around you and find something that sparks your creativity. Second, choose a form. Choose what type of poem you want to write. It could be conventional or free verse. Third, brainstorm ideas. Write down words and phrases that relate to your inspiration. Fourth, craft your first draft. Use your brainstormed ideas to create your first version of your poem. Fifth, edit and revise. Read through your poem and change the unnecessary words if needed. Lastly, once you are done and happy with your work, you can share it with your friends, family, teacher, or post it online.